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Post Run Treats

While you exercise, whether it be weightlifting or cardiovascular, you use up your energy stores, and you should always refuel, especially after any workout session longer than 45 minutes. For many people trying to lose weight however, it seems counter-intuitive to consume calories right after you burn them, but it does make sense: replenishing your carbohydrate stores keeps you from getting tired and really hungry later on, and eating protein helps speed the recovery of muscles and therefore muscle mass- which in turn causes increased metabolism. Another benefit of protein is that it helps you feel satisfied longer, keeping you from munching all day long.

The trick is snacking smartly. As always, you want to focus on low-fat products (or small amounts of heart healthy fats), whole grains, and foods high in protein. It's okay to eat something a little sweet or salty- your body needs the sugar and the electrolytes. Below I've listed some of my favorite things to eat after running or working out- all are fairly easy to make and taste super good (I promise):

1. Natural Peanut Butter, Honey and Cinnamon on anything whole wheat
Use 1 slice of whatever sort of whole wheat bread (sliced, english muffin, bagel, pita, tortilla) you'd like, not too much peanut butter and not too much honey. You could also use regular peanut butter, but it has trans fats and added sugar, so try the natural if you can bear it-- the addition of the honey and cinnamon contrasts really well and you get sweet and salty together.

2. Fruit Smoothie
Again, totally customizable. You can use frozen fruit, fresh sliced fruit, whatever flavor of lowfat yogurt you'd like. Basic recipie:
1/2 cup of fruit
1/2 cup of yogurt
2-4 ice cubes
You can also add peanut butter, honey, whatever else you'd like. Here's a good recipie from Runner's Worldfor a Chocolate-Espresso Smoothie. If you like mochas, you have to try this.. its sooooo good.

3. Clif Bars
I got into these as a climber, not as a runner, but they're a perfect refueling treat for both activities. With lots of flavors to choose from and no preparation to do, they're good to keep around when you're really rushed after workouts. You can order a box online and get a pretty good discount.

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