All the information you need to stay in shape or get in shape in school.


Tune In and Tone

They don't call them lazy summer days for nothing. It's hard to get off the couch when you get in the habit of it, and you don't always have to. You can work out while you watch crappy reruns- all you need is a carpet. Try any combination of these 10 exercises, and take as long as you like to do them... the faster you do them, the harder it is, the longer breaks you take, the easier. But you get a double benefit of getting in a little toning and your favorite episodes of whatever.


1. Wall Sits- aim for 60 seconds, maybe less, maybe more depending on your fitness level
2. Lunges- do 20 (that would be 10 for each leg). Try alternating stepping forward and back if you don't have much room to move.


3. Pushups- aim for 10- 15 pushups, go for more if you can. If you need to modify them, feel free.
4. Superman- Lie on your stomach and raise your arms and legs at the same time, contracting your back. Hold for 2 or 3 seconds, lower. Repeat 10-15 times.


5. Segmented abs- this is my favorite ab workout: Begin on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor. Pull your knees into your chest and then raise your shoulders to meet your knees. Contract as tightly as you can, then return to start and repeat. Aim for 15- 20 of these.
6. Plank- On your elbows and toes, form a straight line with your body (think about pulling your stomach against your spine) Try for 30- 60 seconds
7. Side Plank- from the plank position, shift onto your right or left elbow and the side of that same foot. place your other foot on top of the bottom foot or in front of it to balance. You can raise your left arm straight above your head to make it harder. Try to hold for 20- 30 seconds.
8. Bicycle Crunches- Aim for a few sets of 20 to each side (that would be 40 total)
9. Bridge/Butt Raises- I tend to call the plank exercise a bridge, and I don't really know how else to describe this exercise. Begin on your back with your knees bent. Relax your abs and lift your hips as high as you can. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10-20 times.
10. Side Crunches- Lay on your back with knees bent, then lower them to one side. Crunch up as you normally would (you won't be able to go as high). Try a few sets of 15- 20 on each side.

These exercises can be done back to back or over the course of an hour or so. You'll be surprised at how fast they go by, too. It's the perfect workout for a day when you don't feel like moving- you end up with a little more tone and you don't even have to leave your living room.


Summer Special

Now that most college students are out for the summer (with the exception of you over-achievers taking summer courses), there is plenty of time to do whatever you want. Sure, you could sleep more, watch more TV, eat more... but why not use the extra hours in your day to fit in exercise that you couldn't during the school year? Summer is a great time to get in shape, especially since you'll be bearing more than usual the next two or three months.

Working out during the summer prevents just as many challenges as doing so during the year, just of different sorts. For one thing, you've probably got a free gym to use at school, and being home means buying access. If you're serious about weightlifting, want to take advantage of fitness classes, or just like a gym atmosphere, look for a summer membership offer. It's important to choose a gym that you'll actually go to, so look for one where you get a good workout vibe that's nearby. If you can find a gym buddy to join with you, you're even more likely to go. If you're looking for a serious investment in your fitness, consider getting a personal trainer. They can show you efficient, effective workouts and keep you accountable for your progress. PTs cost quite a bit though, and you should make sure you feel comfortable with your instructor if you want the best experience.

If you'd rather not spend the money on a gym or a personal trainer, you can get great workouts of all types on your own. Look through fitness magazines and online for strength workouts that don't need weights. Shape magazine has a lot of total body toning moves available on their website. As for your cardio workouts, the MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO STAY HYDRATED!! I'm serious, the summer sun can dehydrate you much faster than you realize, seriously threatening your health. To be super safe, run, walk or bike in the morning or evening, skipping the middle of the day heat. If you must exercise in the middle of the day (as I do) make sure you drink a ton of water in the morning (before you head out) and keep some water with you on your workout. If you start to feel faint, stop and walk. It's always a good idea to let someone know your route so if there is a problem, they know where to find you.

The summer is a perfect time to start taking care of your body in other ways too. Take advantage of the fresh summer produce and eat healthier meals full of yummy ripe fruits and vegetables. Corn-on-the-cob, strawberries, watermelon, canteloupe, and peaches are just some of the great foods you can get cheap and tasty during the summer. Try to add them into your diet over the next few weeks and enjoy the juicy summer goodness.